Tone Shift Detector

Identify paraphrases and tone shifts in text

Enter some text. The AI will scan the text for areas where text undergoes sudden tone shifts, which are potentially indicative of paraphrases or non-original content.

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How to use this tool

This innovative tool helps you detect phrases or paragraphs that may not align with the overall writing style of a piece. This can be an indication that the text was generated by an AI tool like ChatGPT or was copied from another source. By using this tool, you can foster transparency and encourage academic honesty when incorporating AI tools in your students' learning process.

Furthermore, this tool can aid you in identifying potential issues in a student's work, such as a lack of clarity or focus. By highlighting specific phrases or paragraphs that seem inconsistent, you can provide targeted feedback to help your students refine their writing. Additionally, this tool can serve as an effective teaching aid in the classroom, assisting students in understanding the importance of maintaining a consistent tone, style, and structure in their writing. In turn, this fosters more effective communication and improved writing skills. We invite you to try out this valuable tool and witness the positive impact on your students' growth.